Problem of vibration on your aircraft, UAV, eVTOL, Light Aircraft ? 
Need a wired or wireless balancing tool ? 
One solution only:

Fly smoothly with us !
Contact us for your solution.

Vibration analysis, Spectrum analysis, Dynamical Balancing...

Vibrations provide nightmare to manufacturers and operators who develop or operate flying platforms.

We have the solution !


EASYHUMS will help to find the best solution to meet your needs regardless of the fleet or project you have to balance. 

Using new technologies, AIRVIB II & AIRVIB systems have been developed to be a lightweight, powerful and easy to use as a vibration analyzer and balancing tool.

Balance your drone ? why ?
Please look at the video for more details...

Vibration, Crack, Discomfort, Jello effect, Mechanic and electronic failure... A solution exists : AIRVIB SYSTEM !!


- Spectrum analysis 8 channels 
- Dynamic balancer 4 channels 
- Track measurement up to 12 blades 
- Wireless communication up to 4 km / 2 NM / 2.5 mi
- 4 languages (English, French, Spanish and Chinese)
- 868 MHz or 900 MHz radio link depending on country 
- Measurement saving on SD card  
- Balance frequency range : 180 - 
48 000 RPM
- FFT frequency ranges : 0 - 10 kHz
- Modularity capability allows user to connect several acquisition units controlled by one display unit interface. 

contact us for more details


AIRVIB II® & AIRVIB® Systems Certification 

Santé & Sécurité / Health & Safety : 
EN 61010-1:2010 / EN 62311:2008 
CEM / EMC : EN 61326-1:2013 / EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3 EN 301 489-3 V2.1.1 

Radio : EN 300 220-2 V3.1.1

Design for General Aviation, UAV, Drone, Flying taxi >50kg />110 lbs

>50kg / >110lbs

UAV Helicopters eVTOL
>50kg / >110lbs

Flying Taxi 
>50kg / >110lbs


below are some examples of the data displayed by AIRVIB system


Telephone : +33 (0) 494 81 72 13

Email : contact(at)

Address : EASYHUMS, 522 chemin de l'Alisier Blanc, 83520 Roquebrune sur Argens, FRANCE

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